Sports Medicine

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If you are a professional or hobby athlete, it is always a good idea to have you heart examined.

Basic ECG Examination

During the basic examination performed by sport doctor we will examine your stress ECG on an ergometer (resting ECG for kids younger than 12), issue a confirmation about your fitness eligibility, check there is no hidden heart disease and we will discover your maximal heart rate frequency.

In case of interest, stress ECG examination can be extended by a kinesiology analysis.

Book an ECG examination

Our Services

Basic examination (Resting ECG)
Ergometry (Stress ECG)
Kinesiology Analysis

1 500 CZK
2 400 CZK
   600 CZK

Professional Stress Testing

Is your goal to better your sport performance, obtain important inputs into your training or compare yourself with the best? Undergo spiroergometric examination in your laboratory and learn about your aerobic threshold, VO2 max, vital capacity of your lungs and many other information.

Profesional testing includes spiroergometry, resting ECG, stress ECG including measurement of blood pressure, SpO2 and O2 consumption. Part of the testing is examination performed by sport doctor providing detailed anamnesis.

Book a spiroergometry

Our Services

Spiroergometry (all-inclusive)

4 000 CZK

Level Up: Diagnostics and Consultation for Your Sports Performance

Have you been training for a while and want to take your performance to the next level? Not sure which of our services or combinations to choose? Join our individual program with our sports physiology expert, Karel Tyrpekl, and discover everything you need to know about your body.

Learn moreBook a Level Up

Our Services

Levle Up Program

6 000 CZK

Core body temperature traning (CORE)

Complete a stress test and consultation with a certified core trainer in our laboratory, and incorporate another important metric into your training – core body temperature. For athletes and trainers, so-called heat training is a valuable tool that enables more precise training planning and monitoring. It helps athletes better prepare for competitions in hot conditions, improves their performance, and minimizes the risk of heat stress. You can find more information about all the benefits on our blog.

Learn moreBook a CORE test

Naše služby

‍S. CORE senzorus

4 000 CZK
11 000 CZK

Don't know which stress test is suitable for you? No problem. We'll be happy to help you with the selection. Contact us through the Medevio app or send us an inquiry to

Sports Nutrition

We are offering professional nutrition consultancy focused on athletes in a cooperation with Mgr. Jan Taussig.

Learn moreBook a consultation

Our Services

I want to get to know myself
I take my nutrition seriously
I want a nutrition as a pro

1 600 CZK
3 000 CZK
5 000 - 10 000 CZK

Continuous Glucose Monitoring

In recent years, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) technology has become popular among many elite athletes for its benefits. Thanks to CGM, athletes adjust their dietary habits, analyze training, and significantly support recovery, at least during a certain phase of the preparatory period.

Experience a complete 14-day measurement cycle with us, including evaluation by a nutrition specialist. The first cycle includes an initial nutritional assessment, application of the sensor, and evaluation. Subsequent cycles do not include an introductory interview.

Learn more

Our Services

CGM (1st cycle)
CGM (Other cycles)

5 600 Kč
4 200 Kč

Sport Psychology

Sport psychology is beneficial for a wide range of individuals, from elite athletes to recreational participants, who seek to improve their athletic performance, mental health, and overall personal development. It provides tools for managing pressure, enhancing concentration, motivation, and addressing issues related to sports performance, including consultations regarding eating disorders.

The field of sport psychology is overseen by Mgr. Jana Novotná at Body Solution Clinic.

Book a sport psychology

Our Services

Individual session
Group seminar on selected topic

1 300 Kč
Upon request

Testing for Sport Clubs

Are you looking for a stress testing for your sport club? 

Get in touch with our colleague Iva Polackova. She will prepare an offering based on your needs and sport requirements.

Iva Polackova
+420 601 383 276

Make an appointment

Pro objednání volejte na 702 049 363


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Opening Hours

We do not have a contract with any insurance company, the patients are obliged to pay for our services by themselves.

Your appointment can be canceled 24 hours ahead of the therapy at latest. If not the storno fee as high as 50 % of booked service is charged.

Where to find us

Body Solution Clinic, s.r.o.
Zenklova 1545/39
180 00 Praha 8 - Libeň